First Semester 2015 Roll No. ................
PAPER:Chemistry-I(Physical Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins. Course Code:CHEM-101 / CHM-11020 MAX. MARKS:50
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.
Section II
Question No 2: Write short answer of the following questions (2X10=20)
a) What is meant by Auto Catalysis?
b) Give differences between order and molecularity.
c) What is meant by lowering of vapour pressure?
d) Define Maen Free Path.
e) What is "Tyndal Cone Effect"?
f) Explain the term "Magnetic Susceptibility".
g) Write briefly about Macromolecules.
h) Describe the effect of temperature on destribution of velocities.
i) Give differences between physical and chemical adsorption.
j) How will you derive the units of rate constant and half life for third order reaction.
Section III (3x10=30)
Q.3 a) Explain collision theory of unimolecular reaction. (5)
b) Give mathematical treatment of elevation of boiling point. (5)
Q.4 a) Explain Langmuir adsorption isotherm. (6)
b) The viscosity of hydrogen at 0oC is 8.41x10-4 Kgm-1s-1. Calculate the mean free path of
H2 at STP. (4)
Q.5 a) What are Colloids? (2)
b) How you distinguish between lyophilic and lyophobic sols? Why the lyophilic sola are
called reversible sols? (4)
c) Describe "Second Law of Thermodynamics". (4)
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