Martial Law dates

  1.       First Martial Law:  7th October 1958 by Iskandar Mirza 2.       2nd Martial Law:  25th March 1969 by Genral Yahya Khan 3.       3rd Martial Law:  25th july 1977 by Genral Zia ul Haq 4.       4th Martail Law:  12th October, 1999 by General Pervaiz Musharraf


                           UNIVERISTY OF PUNJAB   

                                        SECOND SEMESTER  2013 

BS FOUR YEAR PROGRAM (zoology chordate diversity(zool--103)

Answer the following questions.

  1. Define plumage.
  2. what is defference between carapace and plastron.
  3. what is alula in birds.
  4. Define metamorphosis.
  5. Briefly describe digestion in star fish(class Asteroida)
  6. what is entoprocts.
  7. Describe three characteristics of echinoderms.
  8. what is endothermy.
  9. what is differnce between viviparous and oviparous/give examples.
  10. what is aeorn worm?
  • Explain the following questions in detail.
  1. give a detail note on the flight of birds.
  2. Describe the characteristics of phylum chordata?
  3. Write a note on class mamalia?                 
